CommonSpaces meets the world
← Back to list of eventsThe webinar will introduce the beta version of the CommonSpaces platform that will be launched during the Open Education Week. After an introduction of the main features of the platform and the presentation of pioneering projects, space will be given to discussion, in particular with other developers and users of OER repositories and communities.
Common Spaces is an international co-learning and e-mentoring Community of Practice (CoP) devoted to improving the employability skills and work opportunities of participants and reducing the gap existing between the academic world and the labour market, by means of appropriately remixed and localised OERs, i.e. Open Educational Resources freely available to everyone. The platform is co-funded by the Erasmus+ EU Programme and is being developed by six European partners co-ordinated by Sapienza University of Rome.
Italy, Rome
Contributed by: Andrea Spila
Language: English