‘Transforming OER into Accessible OER’

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Dr Abi James and E.A. Draffan (both from Electronic and Computer Science Accessibility Team at University of Southampton) will provide a webinar looking at how teaching and learning materials can be released in an accessibility-friendly way with minimal effort. They will provide some examples of projects developing new OERs, including MOOCs to assist with developing digital accessibility skills. Alistair McNaught, Subject specialist for accessibility and inclusion at JISC, will also talk about the work that JISC are leading on in supporting educators to embed best practice across all resources – OER and otherwise. A culture of inclusive thinking, from purchases to personal practices, is good for everyone and all the more urgent with changes to disabled student allowances.


United Kingdom, Oxford

Contributed by: Terry Loane

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 09, 2016 13:00
  (view in other timezones)


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