What makes a successful OER initiative?

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During the 2014-2015 academic year as Portland Community College was forming our OER Steering Committee and beginning to define a college-wide OER initiative, we found ourselves (as many before us have) with a lot of questions about what kinds of things are likely to contribute to a successful initiative. Jen’s move from a smaller institution with a focused OER program to a larger institution without an existing initiative brought up questions about whether the same sorts of investments and priorities are likely to work across institution types and sizes. We wondered what impact funding had on success, how important a steering committee is, whether institutions of certain types and sizes were more successful, and what kinds of leadership corresponded with greater success. With these questions in mind, we conducted a survey and interviews to see if we could detect patterns that would be useful for the OER community. We will present our results in during this webinar as well as take time for questions and discussion.
The results of this research were also presented by Jen at OpenEd ’15.
Presenters Jen Klaudinyi and Rachel Bridgewater are PCC faculty librarians and co-chairs of PCC’s OER steering committee.
This webinar takes place at 12pm Pacific time!

Recording to webinar

Open Oregon Educational Resources

United States, Portland, OR

Contributed by: Amy Hofer

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 10, 2016 20:00
  (view in other timezones)


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