Open Education Week Faculty and Student Campaign
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To reach out to faculty, we are hosting OER office hours at some of the CTLs at colleges around our district, where faculty may attend, eat some lunch, and interact with resources that we've pre-loaded onto the equipment. We have also solicited thank-you notes from students of OER practitioners and we will be taping these thank-you notes on the doors of faculty early in the week. To reach students, we have distributed promotional materials about how to use our no-cost/low-cost course materials search to advisement centers across the district and members of our OER team will be directly engaging with student in high-traffic areas with a bullseye asking them to indicate how much they spent on textbooks this semester. This gives us the opportunity to share our passion about open with those for whom we're doing all of this in the first place!
United States, Phoenix
Contributed by: Matthew Bloom
Language: English