Teaching in the Open: From Open Educational Resources to Open Pedagogy

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Teaching in the Open is about building connections and community, and contextualizing learning in a larger world outside of the classroom. The use of Open Educational Resources (OER) as alternatives to traditional textbooks offers powerful opportunities to improve educational access and effectiveness. OER’s can help alleviate the financial burden that students face from high textbook costs, but beyond that, open educational practices and open pedagogy have the potential to dramatically transform how students learn. Open engages us in a dialogue with the wider public, and helps us address the question: How can my role as a teacher or professional in higher education have a greater impact in influencing our larger culture?

SUNY Geneseo

United States, Geneseo, New York

Contributed by: Amanda Wentworth

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 04, 2019 14:00
  (view in other timezones)


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