2-Day Free Virtual Workshop on "Converting OER into Engaging and Interactive Content using H5P"
← Back to list of eventsCOVID-19 educational disruption has fuelled interest in adopting Open Educational Resources (OER) for providing affordable, accessible and alternative teaching-learning solutions. However, OER are often available as static content – PDFs, PPTs, images, videos, with no interactions.
The proposed 2-Day Workshop on will engage the participants in finding and converting OER into interactive content using H5P. H5P, an open source content packaging framework, enables teachers to create rich and interactive learning content and experience. This workshop demonstrates how to find and convert static OER content into engaging and interactive content and reuse existing H5P content for promoting learning interactions and formative assessment in online and offline learning.
Learning Outcomes
After participating in the 2-day hands-on programme (2:00 – 5:30 PM IST), participants will be able to:
• gain an understanding of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Creative Commons (CC) Licenses
• find OER in multiple media (text, image and video)
• build attribution in the TASL format
• convert OER into interactive content useful for online and offline learning
KBR & HL Human Development Foundation
India, Andhra Pradesh
Twitter: @koneruf
Contributed by: Indira Koneru (Twitter: @indirakoneru)
Language: English