Discovering Open Education Through Work-Integrated Learning
← Back to list of eventsFor Open Education Week, take a break from webinars and tune into a conversation between four former undergraduate students who discovered open education through a co-op work term with BCcampus! We will explain some introductory concepts in open education, reflect on our experiences as students and working in open, and share things we’re excited about. This conversation is prerecorded and will be posted with a transcript on March 11 at 10:30 a.m. PT. Register to receive a link in your inbox when it goes live.
Arianna Cheveldave (she/her) is coordinator of open education at BCcampus. She began at BCcampus in 2019 as a co-op student from the University of Victoria, where she earned her bachelor of arts in writing and professional communication in 2021. Arianna is an amateur copyright nerd and a professional Pressbooks nerd. She loves learning about innovative open educational resources and practices.
Harper Friedman (he/him) is coordinator of open textbook publishing at BCcampus. A recent graduate of the University of Victoria, he is using his skills to help create openly licensed educational resources. Through this work he has gained an appreciation for open educational resources and is excited to see the growing adoption and adaption of these resources in schools.
Josie Gray (she/her) is the manager of production and publishing at BCcampus. She started as a co-op student in 2016 working on remediating accessibility issues in open textbooks. In 2018 she graduated from the University of Victoria with a bachelor’s degree in history and professional communication, and in 2021 she completed a master’s degree in inclusive design at OCAD. She is passionate about accessible publishing.
Kaitlyn Zheng (she/her) is a coordinator of open textbook publishing at BCcampus, where she started her journey in open education as a co-op student while studying at the University of Victoria. After completing her bachelor’s degree in linguistics and psychology, she has continued to work in open education and helps develop various open educational resources.
OEGlobal member
Canada, British Columbia
Contributed by: Caitlin Gray
Language: English