Introduction to Creating Interactive Content with H5P

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Interested in learning about how to use H5P to create an OER for your course? This hands-on interactive workshop will introduce you to H5P, an interactive content creation platform, where you can create interactive content using content type templates (e.g., course presentations, practice questions, historical timelines, scenario branching exercises, etc.) and collaborate with other instructors and students. Anyone with an institutional email at McMaster (instructors, staff, students, etc.) can create an H5P login for free. Here is the link to register for an account: eCampusOntario H5P Studio,

McMaster University

Canada, Hamilton, Ontario

Twitter: @mcmasteru

Contributed by: Olga Perkovic (Twitter: @operkovic)

Language: English

Date and Time: Mar 10, 2022 15:00
  (view in other timezones)

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