Webinar - Latent class analysis of K-12 teachers’ barriers to implementing OER
← Back to list of eventsIn this webinar, Hangtao Tang (University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA) and Yu Bao (James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, USA) will present their research that was published in the Distance Education journal in November 2021 (Vol 42, No. 4, pp. 582-598).
This session would be useful to anyone who has an interest in knowing about the kinds of barriers that teachers (especially K-12 teachers) encounter and experience when implementing OER, especially when cultural and economic factors are considered. It will also appeal to anyone who has a general interest in OER and undertaking research into the implementation of OER in classrooms.
ODLAA (Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia)
Australia, Victoria
Twitter: @ODLAAorg
Contributed by: Sarah Stein
Language: English