Alberta Perspectives on OER in K 12 Learning

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This video, Alberta Perspectives on OER in K 12 Learning, is part 3 of a 3 part video series.

This workshop video introduces a group of teachers from Alberta as they explore open educational resources, present their own experiences with OER in their classrooms, and offer suggestions for their effective use to enhance learning. Authentic in their comments and in their desire to contribute to the profession, these teachers share various insights that can only be gained from a practitioner point of view. To be successful, OER requires both a top-down and a bottom-up effort. This video provides a set of perspectives that are both unique and yet representative of what it means for K-12 educators to shift their practices to a deeper awareness of OER. They discuss the supports that successful classroom use will require so that in the end there will be a stronger and more informed understanding and advocacy for OER and Open Pedagogy.

Athabasca University

Canada, Athabasca

Contributed by: Constance Blomgren

Language: English

License: CC-BY

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