Hokkaido University OpenCourseWare (HU-OCW)

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The Center for Open Education at Hokkaido University has been operating HU-OCW since 2006 and accumulated over 4.000 learning materials. In 2017, HU-OCW renewed on large-scale with the following objectives and procedures. For this renewal, the Center launched a project team and conducted efforts to verify and improve issues and problems. From the requests received from users including the students and user behavior patterns collected by Google Analytics, the three weaknesses - top page bounce rate, usability, low usage rate of the materials- became clear. Based on that, we proposed three concepts of our new OCW site - usable, approachable and attractive. On the new OCW site, first, we set up the main visual shown at the top of the page. The illustration of the main visual is renewed every four seasons, with the motif of Hokkaido University scenery (trees, animals and plants etc.). A learner depicted in the illustration center studying through the seasons expresses that the materials can be viewed and watched in any environment and anytime. Also, by attaching the catchphrase of " Be ambitious", which is a slogan of our university, it expresses the likelihood of Hokkaido University and the mind of a broader world view through learning. Second, from the Google Analytics, it became clear that the number of access of teaching materials used in preparation of the lecture is high, while the number of access of the rest of the materials was quite low. To solve this problem, we created two types of "playlists." "Basic playlist" consists of three themes and "staff playlist" are picked up by the staff of the Center. Playlists are periodically added and updated. The "basic playlist" is focused on three viewpoints - O (Oneself), C (Community), W (World) with emphasis on what do we want to show about Hokkaido University and how we appeal the university. Third, we introduced Kaltura SaaS for video streaming, a cloud service that allows viewing on a variety of devices and increase performance.

Hokkaido University

Japan, Sapporo, Hokkaido

Contributed by: Katsusuke Shigeta

Language: Japanese

License: CC-BY-NC


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