Open Oregon Resources Page

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The Open Oregon Resource page is a unique list of known OER adoptions at Oregon's community colleges. It provides a peer endorsement for faculty who want to know which open, free, or low-cost materials their colleagues at other colleges are using in their courses. With approximately 350 entries, this list represents tremendous progress on textbook affordability across the state. Web developer Tamara Marnell used the Sheets API to output the results of a Google Form into a searchable table on a WordPress website. The same data powers the interactive Z-Degree graphic that shows how close we are to a fully OER transfer degree pathway, both statewide and at each community college. These two projects provide powerful tools to represent the impact of the OER movement at Oregon's community colleges.

Open Oregon Educational Resources

United States, Portland, OR

Contributed by: Amy Hofer Tamara Marnell

Language: English

License: CC-BY

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