Openness and the Open Mindset in Learning

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This podcast looks more deeply at the concepts and principles of openness and the open mindset. There is not one definition of openness or an open mindset and the multiple perspectives offered in the podcast highlight various nuances and interpretations of these evolving concepts. Interview contributors discuss and asks what it means to be truly open, to practice as an open educator, and to foster a mindset of openness in ourselves and in our classrooms. These reflections are made by a number of key researchers and practitioners in open education including Michael Canuel, Beatriz de los Arcos, Royce Kimmons, Randy LaBonte, Rory McGreal, and David Porter. In addition to the podcast, a full transcript in an editable text file is also available. Podcasts and text files require less band width which allows users with connectivity issues or financial costs to more easily access this content and thus allow a broader potential audience than videos alone.

Athabasca University

Canada, Athabasca

Contributed by: Constance b

Language: English

License: CC-BY-SA

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