National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland

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The National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland is delivered in partnership with Universities, Colleges, Training providers and industry. NMIS Skills is an initial intervention to build a community around supporting the digital skills that staff need to exchange ideas around Industry4.0. The initial offering will take the form of support in developing the digital teaching and collaboration skills required to work in this new digital world with a focus on STEM and manufacturing areas. We will build a community of practice of colleagues from across the sectors and provide support around the skills needed to engage on-line with peers to share learning and teaching materials . The training and resources will signpost and pick up best practice from around the UK and be based around the professional standards for College lecturers and Higher Education Staff. We are using new collaborative tools to facilitate this . The platform is one that will become a community owned resource - the materials open source and readily adapted for local adoption. If you have an interest in STEM and related areas. If you want to do things in new ways and want to reach out to your peer group and be part of an ambitious national collaborative sign up for the NMIS Community of Practice. If you have an interest in digital learning and collaborative approaches to teaching and learning, please come along too, the materials and experience will support your professional development and show you a new model of networking. Welcome !

City of Glasgow College

United Kingdom, Glasgow

Contributed by: Joe Wilson

Language: English

License: CC-BY

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