Open Education: fundamentals and approaches

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The course “Open Education: fundamentals and approaches”, produced within the OpenMed project with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, aims to build capacity on Open Education and Open Educational Resources (OER) among universities in the South Mediterranean region. The course targets primarily university teachers with an interest in learning more about Open Education and with a motivation to adopt Open Education approaches and OER into their teaching. Key learning outcomes After having taken this course, learners will be able to: - Understand the potential advantages of adopting OER and open education approaches in different contexts. - Understand how content released under different kinds of open licences can be reused and apply open licences to your content. - Search for, reuse and remix OER. - Understand what MOOCs are and how to produce MOOCs. - Adapt OER and MOOCs to your specific context. - Incorporate open educational practices into your daily teaching.

UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union

Italy, Rome

Contributed by: Cristina Stefanelli

Language: English

License: CC-BY

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