Open Virtual Mobility Learning Hub and Courses

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Open Virtual Mobility (openVM) is a European strategic partnership dedicated to creating accessible opportunities for achievement of virtual mobility (VM) skills to ensure higher uptake of virtual mobility in higher education in Europe and is funded under the European Erasmus+ Program. On March 4, 2019 we publicly launch the OpenVM Learning Hub which includes: VM Skills, VM Learning, VM Open Badges, VM Repository. We launch also the first online Open Virtual Mobility MOOCs as a series of short, online courses free to anyone, with OERS, study cases, activities and finalised with Open Badges to recognise virtual mobility skills. The OpenVM MOOCS are dedicated to teachers, students, international relations officers, career advisors or training managers, for anybody who is interested in finding information, gaining knowledge and skills about and for virtual mobilities.

Politehnica University of Timisoara

Romania, Timisoara

Contributed by: Diana Andone

Language: English

License: CC-BY-NC-SA

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