Activity Sheets for Inclusive Education for Trainee Teachers

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These activity sheets - LEARNING PATHS -have been developed for the course of Inclusive Education of the Bachelors of Education program. These activities are designed as Monitored Asynchronous Activities for the course delivered in an online format. Evolved as a model of online learning, it allows for 70% (or more) of content to be accessed asynchronously as well as engagement of students with the content. These learning paths (activity sheets) ensure active learning during asynchronous engagement with the course content. This allows for the synchronous sessions which are 30% (or lesser) to be dedicated to fruitful discussions on the learning making the learning experience wholesome. This 70:30 model attempts to reduce the digital divide since activities can be monitored through messaging channels like WhatsApp.

MIT-ADT University

India, Pune, Maharashtra

Contributed by: Ajita Deshmukh

Language: English

License: CC-BY-NC-SA

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