Wiki Resources related to outreach in poorly connected areas of the world - English, French, Spanish

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This is a curated list of resources (visuals, texts, graphics, videos etc) related to the Wikimedia ecosystem in three langages : English, French, Spanish. Those resources may be used by anyone really, but they have been curated with those mostly offline in mind (= the resources are self-standing). A large number of those resources are tightly related to the Education sector. To use if you want to set up Education activities related to Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata, Wikiquote etc. and * either do not know where to find relevant resources * or feel discouraged by the amount of disparate and outdated resources made available by the wikimedia communauty over the past 20 years :)

Wiki in Africa

France, Marseille

Contributed by: Florence Devouard (Twitter: @anthere)

Language: English

License: CC-BY-SA

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