All Events

Collection of past activities & events hosted by the community during previous editions of Open Education Week.

current time: Jul 27, 2024 06:32 (UTC time: Jul 27, 2024 06:32)

Showing 16 (out of 1343) events

Open Book Launch: OERigin Stories - Pathways to Open Movement

Digital Higher Education Consortium of Texas (DigiTex)

OEGlobal member

United States of America, Austin, Texas

Mar 08, 2022 13:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Open Ed Networking

University of Alberta

Canada, Edmonton, Alberta

Mar 07, 2022 11:30 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Open Ed Networking

University of Alberta

Canada, Edmonton, Alberta

Mar 07, 2022 13:30 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Open Ed Networking

University of Alberta

Canada, Edmonton, Alberta

Mar 11, 2022 13:30 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Open Ed Portland State University Faculty Panel

Portland State University

OEGlobal member

United States of America, Portland, Oregon

Mar 10, 2022 10:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Open Ed Tables

Florida PIRG Students at FSU

OEGlobal member

United States of America, Tallahassee, Florida

Mar 08, 2022 16:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Open ED Week Happy Hour

Open Oregon Educational Resources

OEGlobal member

United States of America, Oregon

Mar 11, 2022 16:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Open Ed Week Keynote: Towards Openness that Promotes Social Justice with Maha Bali

Open Oregon Educational Resources

OEGlobal member

United States of America, Oregon

Mar 11, 2022 10:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Open Ed Week Webinar: Creative Commons Licenses Deconstructed

Open Oregon Educational Resources

United States of America, Oregon

Mar 07, 2022 14:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Open Ed Week Webinar: Faculty Panel on OER in Promotion and Tenure

Open Oregon Educational Resources

United States of America, Oregon

Mar 10, 2022 12:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Open Ed Week Webinar: Student Panel

Open Oregon Educational Resources

United States of America, Oregon

Mar 08, 2022 12:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Open Education and UDL Meet Course Design

University of Alberta

Canada, Edmonton, Alberta

Mar 10, 2022 10:30 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Open Education at FSU

Florida State University Libraries

United States of America, Tallahassee, Florida

Mar 28, 2022 13:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Open Education Conference Community Meeting

Open Education Conference

United States of America, Washington

Mar 11, 2022 13:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Open education for Sustainable Development Goals

Alexandria University

Egypt, Alexandria

Mar 11, 2022 19:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Open Education Week 2022 @ Campus Luzern (online)

Hochschule Luzern, Pädagogische Hochschule Luzern, Universität Luzern

Switzerland, Lucerne

Mar 07, 2022 12:15 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

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