All Events

Collection of past activities & events hosted by the community during previous editions of Open Education Week.

current time: Jul 27, 2024 07:07 (UTC time: Jul 27, 2024 07:07)

Showing 16 (out of 1343) events

OpenETC Inspire

The Open EdTech Collaborative (OpenETC)

Canada, Vancouver, BC

Mar 01, 2021 09:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Opening Content for Development

Community Development Network

United States, Bountiful

Mar 04, 2021 17:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Opening up Education with Artificial Intelligence

UNESCO Chair on Multimodal Learning and Open Educational Resources

South Africa, Potchefstroom

Mar 02, 2021 09:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Oregon Open Learning OER Workshop

Oregon Department of Education

United States, Salem, OR

Mar 03, 2021 23:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Padlet 101

Maskwacis Cultural College

Canada, Maskwacis, Alberta

Mar 02, 2021 18:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Panel - Faculty and Students Discuss Open Educational Resources

University of Ottawa Library

Canada, Ontario

Mar 03, 2021 14:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Panel: Considerations in Creative Commons, Copyright, and OER

University of Alberta

Canada, Edmonton, AB

Mar 04, 2021 17:30 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Pathways to Hope: Best Practices to Suicide Prevention in Alberta Schools

Maskwacis Cultural College

Canada, Maskwacis, Alberta

Mar 03, 2021 21:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Perusall: Encouraging Student Interaction with Text and Video Resources

University of North Florida

United States, Jacksonville

Mar 05, 2021 18:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Presentation - Reviewing Open Educational Resources

University of Ottawa Library

Canada, Ontario

Mar 02, 2021 19:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Pressbooks: Your Springboard to Interactive Learning

University of Alberta

Canada, Edmonton, AB

Mar 03, 2021 18:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Regional Leadership of Open Education(RLOE) Phase 2

Community College Consortium for OER

United States, Concord, Massachusetts

Mar 02, 2021 20:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Rentgen Otwartych Zasobów

The Centre of e-Learning at AGH University of Science and Technology

Poland, Krakow

Mar 01, 2021 09:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Repositórios e referatórios de REA


Brazil, São Paulo

Mar 03, 2021 17:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

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