All Events

Collection of past activities & events hosted by the community during previous editions of Open Education Week.

current time: Jul 27, 2024 08:08 (UTC time: Jul 27, 2024 08:08)

Showing 16 (out of 1343) events

Evaluating Excellence: A Conversation About OER Quality

Athabasca University

Canada, Athabasca

Mar 09, 2022 12:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Evaluating Open Pedagogies

University of Alberta

Canada, Edmonton, Alberta

Mar 11, 2022 10:30 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Faculty Outreach for OERs

Smith PIRG Campus Action

United States of America, Northampton, MA

Mar 07, 2022 11:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Faculty panel: Building the ideal project team for collaborative OER curation

Holyoke Community College

United States of America, Massachusetts

Mar 10, 2022 14:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Faculty Persistence with OER Adoption: Data from adoption initiatives (live)

Millersville University

United States of America, Millersville, PA

Mar 09, 2022 11:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

First-Year Blogging Project: A Case Study in SUNY Create

SUNY Online

OEGlobal member

United States of America, Albany, NY

Mar 09, 2022 11:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS): Uses and Examples for Life and in the Classroom

Millersville University

United States of America, Millersville, PA

Mar 10, 2022 15:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

H5P in LibreStudio: Building Interactive Content for Your Textbook,


United States of America, Davis, CA

Mar 11, 2022 12:30 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

How is the Pandemic Affecting the Future of OER?

Online Learning Consortium

United States of America, N/A

Mar 15, 2022 12:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

How It Started/How It’s Going: 10 Years of Open Textbooks in B.C.


OEGlobal member

Canada, British Columbia

Mar 09, 2022 13:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic

Swedish Association for Distance Education

Sweden, Lund

Mar 10, 2022 14:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

How to become an open teacher?

EDEN Digital Learning Europe

Estonia, Tallin

Mar 10, 2022 14:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

Idaho Open Education Week Symposium

Idaho State Board of Education

United States of America, Boise, Idaho

Mar 10, 2022 09:00 (UTC)   (view in other timezones)

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